Receive your LightLines™ & Embody a Higher Sense of Self

The Activation

To feel empowered in your life and find inspiration and guidance to move forward in all areas of your life.

To learn what energies are going to affect you and in what areas of life in the near future and coming years, and how you can take advantage of these shifts.

To learn where you are most powerful and have hidden talents and specific things about your subtle personal and emotional energies that can really guide you to become more embodied and feel good about yourself.

The Inspiration

Georgina has a way to know exactly who you are and what is happening for you just by looking at your astrology chart. She decodes where you are most powerful and how you can embody your good qualities. She diagnoses what is going on with your energy and blockages and gives you guidance and clear insight on how you can work with it using the astrological energetic insight.

She has decades of experience with western astrology and coaching on all levels and will give you exactly the tools and guidance you need to change your life and help you unlock your inner knowledge and power.


The readings are for finding where you are most powerful and have hidden talents, and for giving you information to get unstuck and understand why certain things are happening to you.

You will learn about all areas of life such as love, money and career. And you can find out what changes and predictions from the current planetary movements are going to affect you and how you can take advantage of these energies.

You will learn specific things about yourself to become more powerfully embodied and feel good such as the goddess or mythic energies that are most connected to you which is revealed through asteroid placements, and she will give you your destiny information to master happiness in this lifetime.  

LightLines™ Astrology Reading

— Decode your happiness

Tune into your power and energy in new ways and upgrade your self image to transform your life!

Transformation Package

— profound transformation opportunity

4 Sessions: Electric Breakthrough Session, LightLines™ Astrology Reading, Inner Goddess Embodiment, Manifestation Astrology

Years Experience

Workshops & Sessions

Transformational Retreats