My Philosophy

For me, joy isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it’s the life force energy that propels us forward and connects us to the universe. By infusing every session with playfulness and lightness, we tap into this energy, rewiring our brains and aligning ourselves with our deepest desires.

Embracing this philosophy isn’t just about setting intentions – it’s about embodying the next-level version of yourself and creating the life you truly want. So, if you’re ready to let go of the hustle and invite more joy and embodiment into your life but get MORE done and have MORE success, embark on a transformative journey with me.

By blending embodiment practices, goddess energies, and yes, even a little shimmy and shake, we’re not only rewiring our brains but also syncing up with the powerful rhythm of life force energy.

The bottom line is this: when you fully embrace this philosophy, you’re not just setting intentions – you’re becoming a magnet for the life you truly want. It’s about stepping into your next-level self with confidence and grace, ready to tackle whatever comes your way and create a ripple effect of positive change in the world.

tap into the boundless power of your life force energy to manifest your deepest desires and wildest dreams.

First of all, it’s that life is about becoming the most true version of yourself that you can be. And that everything else real and of value comes from that – love, true calling, health. One of the joys of life is with stabilizing each level of expansion you achieve when you breakthrough and unlock a new levels of your self and life.

Second, it’s that joy and having a good time, even in transformation work, is the pathway. I know and have seen that, when you embark on transformation and manifestation experiences, if you are embodied in yourself and committed to joy, that that is when you make the most radical shifts.

With joy and fun, even when diving into shadow territory, your neural pathways are able to rewire and grow much more rapidly, and this is what changes your life. This combined with my VitalForceâ„¢ Breakthrough Technique makes permanent and massive shifts upwards accessible.

My Technique

I’ve developed step-by-step, repeatable processes and techniques to create permanent shifts often instantly working with the keys I’ve created to cut out steps and shave ears or decades of your growth and evolution to allow you to live as your true best self that you know yourself to be, and have the pathway and map to keep evolving into higher and more refined Versions of who you want to be and who you know yourself to be through my decades of experience, I know the right keys and leave it inside and how to change the inner landscape to create new stability that’s needed to allow these changes and constantly seeing people pop open and Shift within my sessions and trainings And as you become more your true self and amplify that into the world, everything that you want and desire comes to you, this is not bypassing or shortcuts. It’s literally breaking through and being able to make those shifts in a real and tangible way that has been elusive throughout so many other practices you could’ve tried And I’ve created fast ways to descend into the self to live actually in your body to embody joy, manifestation vibrations, and to know that the only way you can manifest something into your life is if in your constantly in your body but if you’re not able to live in your body through Things that could’ve happened that you need to move through. You can’t manifest the life you want to breaking through creating stability and becoming in bodied is how you can manifest the life you want. I have the kind of mind that creates maps and repeatable steps, and he’s able to see the pathways and all of the different processes necessaryas I’m working with clients, the things that I’ve experienced in life and the things that I’ve seen and learnt through all of my trainings and life experiences


The journey grows and you evolve to a deeper place through each session. Clearing of blocked energy, enlightenment, release of the female power and igniting what you want for your life. The work Georgina does is profound and will be life changing.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Robenn M.

“I’m a Better Person”

I still review my notes from the retreat workshops every couple days and remind myself of all the things I learned to make my life much better today than it has ever been.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Ben Cila

“Wild & Beautiful”

Watching Georgina work is a really wild and beautiful thing, her method is kind but straight forward, she creates a conversation around what you need and carves a path that way. It almost feels as if she finds a loose thread, and gently pulls until she unravels to the issues that need attention and guidance.  

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Megan Wilde

Years Experience

Workshops & Sessions

Transformational Retreats