
You can breakthrough lifelong blocks and make a shift into a higher version of yourself in one day or one session. Are you ready and willing to let go and open to a new energy? Georgina has spent decades perfecting techniques that facilitate you being able to make the shift to unlock a new level of life. She has a way to hone in on exactly what you need to breakthrough and precision tools and exercises to make that happen. She creates breakthrough experiences in all her sessions, but specifically her targeted breakthrough sessions of course. And she has will teach you methods and tools to use so that you don’t revert back. She believes in making permanent upgrades to your life experience.

You truly can breakthrough to your next level in one day, who are you on your next level? Book a session to find out!


When you learn your about yourself via your astrology chart, you find your power and grounding. Until you understand yourself and the elements and planets that drive you, you won’t quite be your true self. Western astrology is based on the planets and the seasons and is a representation of who you are in your grounded self. Georgina has developed her LightLinesâ„¢ technique of reading your chart and giving you the most activated energy ready for you to embody and enhance your life and relationships.

Most people are a version of themselves that was reflected back to them growing up, rather than the true energy that they are. And when you learn, activate and embody this, your whole life improves and you can take advantage of how to use your energy for best results, for example in relationships or making money. Harness your energy and see your life transform. Book one of Georgina’s astrology sessions and find out how.


What does it mean to be in your body? It really is everything! You can’t enjoy life if you’re not in your body and present to do it. When you live in your head or are constantly running or hiding from what’s really inside, you’re not in your body. You may be able to feel excited (the flipside of anxious), but deep peace comes from being inside yourself and having the space and knowledge of how to stay embodied. And real joy comes from being able to fully experience and feel consistently immersed in your life.

Georgina teaches tools and techniques to achieve this throughout all of her sessions, and in joyful fun ways that truly give you the methods you need to grow. If you want to feel and experience more embodied joy, book a session and start learning how.


This is where life gets wild in the best way. Once you breakthrough, stabilize your best self, clean out all the subconscious energies so you are transmitting your own pure frequency and visions, and are grounded in your embodiment, then your clear energy is increasingly and endlessly amplified as you continue to apply the tools to keep growing and re-stabilizing higher and higher versions of your best self.

As you amplify your energy and desires out into the world in this way, all your want can start making its way to you unhindered. Book a transformation package or retreat to get access to Georgina’s techniques, tools and methods for this.

What would you want to amplify out into the world? What would it mean for your life if you could be who you’ve always known yourself to truly be deep down? Come play and find out!