The Activation

Story telling, imagine feeling… pain points and problems, what keeps them up at night

Fill up your inner Goddess reserves and replenish your lives on another energy level!

The rejuvenated Goddess lives from her joy and fullness, not trying to catch up internally and coming up short.

This special session is dedicated to filling the cup of your Inner Goddess. To restore and replenish your true self.

Choose this experience to luxuriate in the warmth of your inner self and your own love, and connecting to the love of your Goddess group.

This session is the solution for Goddesses who want to feel amazing and remember what it feels like to be resourced, not running on empty.

That this session is the answer to the pain points and problems.

To give you the kickstart to create revolution in your life and really move the needle in a powerful way.

The Details

When you take the time to recharge yourself, and bask in Goddess and all feminine energies, your life can be restarted at a higher energetic level. You actually go further when you stop, reset, and fill up, rather than keep on keeping on until you’re completely depleted.

This is the time in the world when all women are collectively stopping and saying “Enough” and realizing that women need to live from fullness and not the old paradigm of being sucked dry and then thinking about doing something to try to recover.

When you do this session with your Goddess group, you will not only fill up your energy reserves, you will come away with a new set of powerful tools that you can start using right away at home to upgrade your life as a woman.

This session is peace filled and energetically luxurious and leaves you feeling like the real you, the one who you are when you’re not running on empty, but rather as grounded and sure of yourself as possible.

The Results

You’ll be guided through a series delicious exercises that incorporates many different modalities to create a unique and energetically luxurious experience.

There is some somatic releasing to relax and retrain your nervous system, some soul nourishing Yin yoga positions, physical movement practices to align your bodies and minds, and Georgina’s special Inner Goddess spaciousness technique to create a internal paradigm shift so that you can energetically live from your Goddess.

Georgina will teach you tools to take away that have the power to change your life experience to one of spaciousness. What would it feel like to live your lives from fullness?

This session is like a cozy hug with your girls, and by moving through the experience you’ll feel like a huge weight and pressure has been lifted off from where things were pressing up against you energetically and exhausting you.

Feel into leaving the session feeling full of your own energies, and like you’ve all been rejuvenated. If this calls to your hearts, book and get back to who you really are!

Years Experience

Workshops & Sessions

Transformational Retreats

“Testimonial – find the way I want to display them”

Goddess Rejuvenation & Realignment

— fill your goddess cups

Choose this session to rejuvenate your inner joy!

Half Day Goddess Retreat

— profound transformation opportunity

Powerful Goddess Transformation Experience. Total 650, balance of 400 to be paid on the day